In VR it's nice to see Myst from a new perspective, and even just on desktop it's a beautiful looking game: hypnotic ocean waves lapping at the shore, clouds rolling overhead, and a few nice details like a small green frog hopping along a bridge in the woods. Solving a puzzle, or even figuring out what the puzzle wants from you, results in plenty of happy eureka moments, not just from feeling smart but from having resisted the urge to cheat by looking up the answers. Sound often comes into play, which I really love, like a distant clunking sound while turning a wheel in a cabin, or the hum of a wire that lets you know a current is running through it, or an underground train puzzle where sounds play at the track intersections and combine with one another to give you directions. Sometimes simple observation can get you a long way toward solving a puzzle, like noticing a locked rocketship is connected to a brick bunker by an electrical wire. There's still a lot to enjoy, though, and plenty of clever puzzle design. There's a bit of story and lore told through books, notes, and holograms (originally they were cheesy FMV, now they're cheesy CG) but Myst is mostly built from puzzles, not stories. To gather the missing pages of the book and discover the story of the island and the family who once inhabited it, players need to solve elaborate puzzles that transport them to new islands, where they complete even more puzzles in order to return. In case you haven't had a chance to play one of the many versions of Myst in the past 28 years, the adventure game begins with you trapped on a strange island after reading a strange book. Myst, no matter how it looks in 2021, feels pretty outdated. Cyan Worlds say it's a "reimagined" Myst, but while it's far more modern-looking it's still almost exactly the same game. As a remake, Myst is a faithful one, but maybe a bit too faithful. And this new 3D Myst works on both desktop and in VR, so I got to spend time actually (virtually) walking around in it. Cyan Worlds has completely remade the game (again, following 2000's realMyst and 2014's realMyst: Masterpiece Edition, neither of which I played). The similarities between the games on this list and Myst will be through either the gameplay, the setting, or the familiar sense of reward that comes with finally solving a puzzle after spending literal hours trying to figure it out.It's a little weird to be back in Myst in 2021, after all this time. To give fans of the infamously tough puzzle game some ideas of what to play next, this list has been updated to include some more great games like Myst. Although the original version of the game undoubtedly shows its age today, the puzzles are truly timeless and still feel just as rewarding to solve as they did back in the '90s. Updated on May 11th, 2023, by Jack Pursey: September 2023 will mark 30 years since Cyan Worlds' Myst first hit stores. Myst fans who are itching for some more tricky puzzle challenges should consider checking out these other excellent puzzle games. Myst has had a plethora of remasters and re-releases over the years, with each one bringing with it a wave of new players.

RELATED: Co-Op Games For Gamers That Love Puzzles Myst's success was largely down to its memorable main island, which looked incredible for the time, and its well-designed puzzles that were smartly integrated into the environments. The game was a huge success, becoming the best-selling PC game of all time - a title that it held until The Sims was released and eventually exceeded its sales figures.

Mystis an iconic graphic adventure game that was first released in 1993 on Mac OS before coming to Windows the following year.